Sunday, September 8, 2013



(Prince Thomas)

  • With regret we announce the sad passing of His Royal Highness Prince Thomas Te Kereru of the illustrious House of War. Prince Thomas was defeated in a duel to the death by an unnamed cannibal leader. He fought bravely but was unable to prevail due mostly to dehydration and hunger related illness.
  • Prince Thomas was a master warrior and highly respected member of royal society who enjoyed great popularity and success in his homeland of Hawaiki. And to that ancient homeland he will return now where he will dwell in glory forever.
  • His Majesty King Uenuku has declared strongly to all Tohunga that more effort must be put into ensuring our people are more properly provided for on this long journey to Aotearoa.
  • His Majesty likewise expressed his disappointment in the apparent cowardice shown by our people on the second day of our sojourn upon Te Motu Kaitangata. His exhortation to all citizens is 'KIA KAHA! - Me kaua e oma haere!'

Na Te Mangai Amorangi



Tui  55

Takahe  37

Kereru  29

Kakapo  10

Most Pacific Majesty,

I dearly hope this message finds you well. The most recent journeys of the four waka
have been less than optimistic. Very troubling, to say the least. Nevertheless, I will
inform your majesty on all the specific dealings the four waka have experienced since my
last report.

This day the legends have been proven true. It seems the four waka have made landfall
upon the infamous Motu Kaitangata! Bloodthirsty savages abound there indeed! The
inhabitants of the island desire to consume our people as kai! Te Waka Tui was also
swept onto Te Motu Kaitangata after their defeat to Te Wheke! Their house was caught in
the ocean current and washed ashore. Whether Tui knew what dangers awaited them or not I
am unsure.

An intense battle against the natives of Te Motu Kaitangata broke out involving Takahe,
Kereru, and Kakapo who shamefully opted to flee! Tui was the only waka unable to run
away from the kaitangata so they had no choice but to fight it out with the craven
cannibals, although if they could have run away they would have...

 And so the kaitangata caught Tui house and they had to fight against the cannibals. The
three houses experienced massive almost catastophic loss of mana which ultimately
affected their resources. I certainly pray that they will remember that they are noble
beings of superior bearing and will not run away in future.

Kereru lost their mangatoa in a duel with the kaitangata general, may he rest in peace!
Takahe lost four soldiers and three civilians, Kakapo lost three civilians, and Tui
lost six soldiers. Peace be upon them all.

It seems that none of the teams desire to cooperate with one another. This has been
evidenced by their lack of unity when fighting the wicked kaitangata. It is my opinion
majesty that the houses are in disarray and ill disciplined. This lack of discipline and
focus caused the death of many soldiers because they didn’t use their structures to work
decently with confidence and in order.

I did see a glimmer of hope in the end, as some of the waka began to put away their
petty rivalries in the name of survival. They started to learn that they should trade and
sell their resources to the cousins for the benefit of all. Whether this will come to
fruition, I am not sure. Mighty blows have been struck against all four waka on this
journey so far. Many of the warriors and civilians have become a delicious kai-hakari
for the island natives. What comes about after this lies hidden in the mists of

Be well Pacific Majesty. I am as ever in your service.

Na Te Amorangi

Monday, September 2, 2013

TE POU TATAU - 4th September


Takahe 199 

Kereru 110 

Tui 110 

Kakapo 70


1 - Wai-Maori (fresh water) // TAKAHE
2 - Kai (food) // KAKAPO
3 - Whakaruruhau (shelter)
4 - Ohiti (safety) // TUI
5 - Rama (light and fuel) // KERERU
6 - Horoi (hygiene)
7 - Rangahaua (exploration & accumulation) 


Arikinui (20) // (MANA) 

Tohunga (15) // (WAIRUA) 

Mangotoa (10) // (KAHA)  

Kaiaro (05) // (ORANGA) 

Most Pacific Majesty, 

I had hoped to bring you good tidings regarding the journeyings of the four house waka but, unfortunately, I regret to inform you that circumstances have taken a turn for the worse. House Tui has been accosted by none other than the fearsome monster Te Wheke! We had hoped to see the last of this nefarious creature but it seems as if he pleasures in destroying the waka of our people. 

The legends regarding this great taniwha were true; Te Wheke does indeed talk, and it seems the giant octopus is interested in testing the knowledge of those he encounters. The survivors of Tui recalled that Te Wheke inquired of them, "To whom do I belong?" The fact that he belongs to none other than Prince Muturangi ought to be known by all to be sure, but unfortunately Tui fell into such disarray at the mere sight of Te Wheke they could not gather their thoughts to answer such a simple question! 

Even worse, they were unable to organize a defence against his merciless attacks before their waka suffered severe damage. In a last bid to gain freedom, Tui's tohunga cast an air spell obscuring their image from Te Wheke which allowed them to escape with their lives. However, with rotten sails and a damaged waka, things are looking bleak indeed for the house of Tui.

Regarding the waka of Kakapo, Kereru and Takahe, I am pleased to inform your Majesty that much of the infighting and lack of discipline earlier reported on has ceased. It seems as if our explorers have finally realised that, with the perils of their journey across the vast ocean, to fight amongst themselves would surely spell doom. Let us hope that they have put such petty bickering behind them.

However, the misfortunes of our explorers seem to grow day by day. The rumours that the waka of Kakapo, Kereru and Takahe have landed on the dreaded Motu Kaitangata have now been confirmed as true. A foul wind set upon them and, row as they might, they were not able to escape the ocean current which dragged them directly to the infamous isle of cannibals! The wind damaged their sails which will need to be repaired forthwith before they can set sail again. Let us hope our explorers can survive without being transformed into the soup du jour!

As always, I am ever in your service.

Na Te Amorangi~